Was Your Cancer Caused by Roundup? TAKE QUIZ

Monsanto and its Poisoned Profits: When Big Corporation Meets Corruption

Farmers are the backbone of society; without them, we’d all lose the food we need to survive. They toil in the fields without any expectation of fame or glory, since most farmers want neither. Instead, farmers want to do their honest work and return home at the end of the day with their health and a paycheck for their efforts.

Yet, farmers are also the target of severe and life-threatening corporate corruption. Monsanto, once a leading agriculture company, has secretly been poisoning farmers with its products. The most recent scandal involving the company involves Roundup, a product the company once bragged was invaluable to farmers.

The chemical compound, glyphosate, was marketed as an effective way to kill weeds without killing crops. For a while, people were happy to use to protect their gardens and their fields. Yet, it was recently revealed that Roundup was secretly killing people.

It turns out, the weed killer is a carcinogen and caused several people’s fatal and near-fatal cancer. Now, people are fighting back against the company and web of lies and corruption. Keep reading below to learn more about Monsanto, and what you can do to stop its corrupt business practices.

Monsanto Has a Long History of Sowing Chaos

The company’s problems began almost as soon as it went into business. While it started off as a chemical company, Monsanto soon pivoted into agricultural space with a line of genetically modified products. The seeds it sold to farmers were designed to be stronger, grow faster, and produce more.

Almost as soon as its products hit the market, the public responded with concern. People wanted more investigation as to the health effects of genetically modified products. They wanted to know if it was safe to eat GMOs and wanted Monsanto to hold off on selling its products until their questions could be answered.

Monsanto refused to listen to them, and soon began a campaign of shady and illegitimate business practices. Now, they’re criticized as a lobbyist firm as much as an agriculture company. Keep reading below to learn how the company’s corruption spiraled out of control.

Somatotropin Was Just the Beginning

The first genetically modified product Monsanto sold to farmers was bovine somatotropin, sold as Posilac. It was a hormone designed to increase the production of milk in dairy cows. Farmers just had to give their cows some Posilac, and the company promised them that they would see their cows produce more.

It was approved by the FDA in 1993, and the company began selling it in 1994. Yet, the general public was not satisfied.

Most people wanted deeper investigations as to the health effects GMOs may have. People didn’t know if they could trust their own food to be safe since it was genetically modified. Since they couldn’t trust it, people simply didn’t buy it.

This led to grocery chains refusing to carry milk from certain farmers, which cut into their paychecks. In the end, Monsanto only jeopardized farmers abilities to make money instead of improving it. The company managed to anger farmers, grocery stores, consumers, and almost everyone else.

Farmers Protested Monsanto Before the Roundup Scandal

The controversy around Posilac didn’t deter Monsanto, though. The company used its background in chemical engineering to monopolize the agricultural market. The company has a 34 percent market share in the global herbicides industry, meaning farmers can essentially only ever purchase from them.

Since the company became a monopoly, it refused to cave under pressure from both consumers and farmers to stop its practices. The company continues to push GMO products to farmers, despite opposition. The last time farmers succeeded in pushing a GMO product off the market was in 2001.

A Monsanto product for a genetically engineered potato was pushed off the market by farmers when McDonald’s refused to use it for their french fries. It cut a huge hole in farmers bottom-lines, keeping them both poor and dependent on the company at the same time.

Now, as controversies around Monsanto rise again, farmers may claim another victory against the company.

Roundup Killed Butterflies Before Killing People

One of Monsanto’s products, Roundup, was recently revealed as a cause of many farmers’ cancers. As it turns out, Monsanto wasn’t just keeping farmers poor while simultaneously keeping them dependent on the company. It was killing them, too.

Roundup was designed to be a weed-killer. When paired with Monsanto’s Roundup-ready seeds, it would kill dangerous weeds while protecting crops. It was advertised as a panacea for farmers struggling to protect their crops from weeds, disease, and pests.

Yet, soon after Roundup began to be sold, it was found to contribute to butterfly deaths. While that should have been a signal that something was wrong with the chemical, Monsanto covered up the findings. By then, the company had refined its lobbying and PR efforts so that it could almost totally control information about it.

Now though, people have united against the company. People are dying because of Roundup, and farmers are done being pushed around by companies like Monsanto.

Roundup is a Carcinogen — it’s Confirmed

The first case to go trial about Roundup was in summer 2018. A man in California claimed that the weed killer caused his cancer. Jurors agreed with him and awarded him $289 million, more to punish the company than to rectify the damage done.

After all, how much money can really fix cancer?

Yet, the trial opened the floodgates for a deluge of other trials surrounding Roundup. Now, farmers are coming out with their own stories of how using the chemical caused them to get sick. And with every new farmer, the class action lawsuit against the company gets stronger.

Farmers are reaping their fair share from a company that kept them in the corner for too long. And Monsanto is expected to pay a lot for its corrupt business practices that ended up killing people.

Don’t Let the Corporations Win, Again

Farmers give everything so that the rest of society can function. Without farmers, there is nothing else. That’s one of the reasons it’s such a big deal for a company like Monsanto to literally kill them with its products.

It’s terrible when a company lies on its face about the safety of one of its products, risking people’s lives.

It’ll only be worse if Monsanto gets away with it. If you suffered an illness as a result of Roundup, contact us here. We’ll make sure you’re part of the class action lawsuit against the company so that you can get your fair share from them.

The Roundup Lawsuit Conjures Widespread Public Concern but Will the World Take Heed?

Over 11,000 lawsuits are now pending against Bayer, the new owner of Monsanto and Roundup.

Millions of dollars were paid out in a Roundup lawsuit in 2018. Since then, the dangers of the weed killer and its primary ingredient glyphosate have unraveled. Resulting in more lawsuits, and more million dollar payouts.

Despite mounting evidence and that all point to Roundup’s fatal effects on humans and animals, the company is standing their ground.

But so is the public. Many are speaking out against Roundup, and cities, states, and countries are banning the use of Roundup and glyphosate. So how is the market faring? Here’s what to come from the world’s number one weed killer.

What’s Wrong with Roundup?

Before the future of the weed killer can be predicted, it’s important to understand the product’s past.

Roundup’s past is complicated at best. It’s been known as a carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since the mid-1980s. But after a Monsanto executive was given a director title, negative labels were quickly reversed.

It wasn’t until about seven years ago that research against its primary ingredient, glyphosate, became nearly indisputable public knowledge.

How to Avoid Foods Tainted by Glyphosate

Since then, a laundry list of ailments has been linked to glyphosate. Some of the most shocking being:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Diabetes
  • Leukemia
  • Reproductive problems
  • Myeloma
  • Liver disease
  • Lung, prostate, brain cancers
  • Hormone disorders
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)

And these are only a few of the health issues that glyphosate has been proven to cause. So it’s not surprising that once this information was released, people who had been exposed to Roundup and were suffering from the issues above, began to connect the dots.

Understanding the Roundup Lawsuit

In less than a year, public knowledge of Roundup and Monsanto has exploded. Collectively the world is taking a second-look at glyphosate.

This is primarily due to the highly publicized lawsuits that have hit the company since 2018.

There are currently 11,200 lawsuits filed against Monsanto. All claim that Roundup has caused them life-altering and fatal diseases.

In the fall of 2018, one California man was awarded $239 million by a jury. The man has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and spent his life working with Roundup. Although the payout has since been reduced to $78 million, it’s still a big hit for the company.

In March 2019, another California man who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after working with Roundup for decades was awarded $80 million.

While these two cases alone won’t put the global, billion dollar company out of business. Thousands of lawsuits might.

Alternatively, these headline-making lawsuits are changing the public’s acceptance of the product is changing.

Shortly after the second lawsuit verdict was made, shares of Bayer AG, the company that purchased Monsanto (more on that below) dropped by 9.6%.

The Future of Roundup

Monsanto did its homework.

In 2018 they merged with pharmaceuticals and chemicals behemoth, Bayer. Shedding the Monsanto name, Bayer is now the world’s “most powerful agribusiness.”

Now, Roundup is backed by more money. Which makes it harder to combat.

At this point, the only way to really make an impact on the company would be to change the regulations involving the chemical glyphosate.

Unfortunately, the scientific research, evidence in lawsuits, and the fact that Monsanto is the same company that created Agent Orange during the Vietnam War aren’t enough for the federal government to change policy.

Much of the chemical industry is in bed with Washington, making this an incredibly tricky issue to navigate at a federal level in America.

But local governments are taking action.

California was the first state to issue a warning about glyphosate. With many cities within The Golden State placing their own bans and restrictions.

Other states like Hawaii, New York, and New Jersey have released state-wide limitations on the chemical. While cities like Tucson, Arizona; Miami, Florida; Boulder, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; Charlottesville, Virginia; Minneapolis, Minnesota and Austin, Texas have all taken their own action against the use of glyphosate.

On a global scale, dozens of countries have outright banned or set restrictions on the use of glyphosate. Some countries include Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany (where Bayer is headquartered), New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

But dangers still persist. Mainly for workers in the agricultural industry.

What Does the Future Hold for the World’s Number One Weed Killer?

Even though nearly every Roundup lawsuit points to glyphosate causing cancer and other diseases.

The claims against Roundup not only say the product causes harm, but that the company knows it causes harm, but continues to sell the weed killer anyways.

Bayer not only denies the claims, but manipulates data and scientific research to back its product.

Bayer plans to appeal the lawsuits made against Roundup.

The only real way to battle the now chemical, pharmaceutical, and genetically modified food giant, is in the courtroom.

Whether it be amongst local government, making policies to ban and restrict the use of the chemical. Or if individuals continue to stand tall and fight the fight, as they’ve been doing.

It’s clear that the public not only in America but the world shares concern and a generally negative outlook toward the product. It’s just a matter of if people are willing to do the necessary work to make a difference.

We know that Roundup cannot be stopped at a federal level right now. But states and cities can make changes.

Want to join the fight? Have questions about Roundup and glyphosate? Do you think exposure to the chemical has resulted in you acquiring a life-altering or fatal disease? Contact us!

Profits Over People: Bayer’s Toxic History Catches Up with Them in the Round Up Lawsuit

According to the Guardian, the weed killer market is worth $9 billion.

Would you be shocked to know that the common household product you can pick-up at the grocery store, Roundup, has an origin story that begins with Agent Orange?

Yes, the chemical warfare product made famous by the Vietnam War and a 1970s punk band.

But luckily, the past is catching up with this corporate monstrosity.

Since one Roundup lawsuit that accused the product of causing cancer ruled in favor of the plaintiff in late 2018, thousands of new cases have been filed.

Here’s everything you need to know about Round Up.

Understanding the Problem with Roundup

For many people, the claims against Roundup seemed to come out of nowhere, but the weed killer has a nearly 50 year-long shady past.

Roundup is sold in grocery stores and used by the general public to groom their gardens. It’s used commercially by groundskeepers and farmers to keep grass green and crops flourishing.

That was all Roundup was seen as when it was incepted in the 1970s.

Roundup is made by Monsanto, the company that brought us, Agent Orange. An herbicide used as chemical warfare during the Vietnam war, that causes many fatal diseases and forms of cancer.

However, in the mid-1980s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified the weed killer as a carcinogen. Identifying the chemical glyphosate as being toxic to humans and animals.

Conveniently an executive at Monsanto, Roundup’s parent company, became Director of Environmental Assessment and Toxicology at the EPA quickly after this label was given. The label was removed shortly after.

Through the 1990s Monsanto put in a lot of work to reverse the public’s view of glyphosate being seen as a “bad” ingredient. It wasn’t until 2012 – 2015, after use of Roundup across the world was booming, that scientists began to reveal the harmful effects of the chemical again.

The research on Roundup is astonishing. The World Health Organization labeled glyphosate “probably carcinogenic to humans.” A university found glyphosate in the urine of 93% of Americans. Glyphosate was found in many common foods. It was proven to cause liver disease.

Inevitably, in 2017 after all of this research was released. Lawsuits against Monsanto and Roundup began to emerge.

A Breakdown of the Round Up Lawsuit

Although Roundup continues to be sold everywhere, the company is having to pay for their actions financially.

The groundbreaking lawsuit that started them all was when a pest-control manager and groundskeeper in California filed a lawsuit against the corporation, after developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

After months of court battles, a jury found that Monsanto was in fact to blame. Due to the piles of research against glyphosate that the company chose to turn their nose at.

The trial resulted in the jury awarding the $289 million awarded to the plaintiff. CNN reports that the award amount was so large because the jury wanted to “punish” the corporation.  However, damages have since been cut down to $78 million.

This lawsuit leads to over 8,000 more people filing lawsuits. In 2019 another California man was awarded $80 million in damages. This man, also suffering from non-Hodgkins lymphoma, who had used Roundup for more than two decades regularly.

As of March 2019, there are now 11,200 lawsuits currently filed against the company. That’s 3,200 more lawsuits filed since 2018 alone.

Will each lawsuit result in multi-million dollar fines for the company? Eventually running them out of business? If only it were that simple.

What’s Next for Roundup

Since the lawsuits started, pharmaceutical company Buyer has purchased Monsanto. Shedding the Monsanto name, and becoming the new owner of Round Up.

Despite thousands of lawsuits, dozens of new studies and controversial history that proves that Roundup and its primary ingredient glyphosate are in fact dangerous.

Many agricultural workers are still at risk. Farmworkers, landscapers, groundskeepers and anyone who deals with commercially grown plants are at risk of developing ailments caused by Roundup.

Even residents in agricultural communities should are at risk.

The company is maintaining its stance that these accusations are a result of mass hysteria. Do 11,200 people really have nothing better to do? Disgusting!

With the Trump administrations new advisors and looking over the EPA, and a long history of Monsanto executives being intertwined in the decision-making process for federal policies regarding the use of glyphosate.

To end the use of Roundup in our corn, cotton and soybean supply, we need to attack at a local level.

States like Vermont, New York, and Hawaii have placed state-wide bans on the product. While hundreds of cities across America like Reno, Nevada; Portland, Maine; Chicago, Illinois; Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California have all initiated restrictions.

After the conclusion of the second major Roundup trial resulted in the company being at fault for knowingly causing cancer, the company’s shares dropped by 12 percent.

This should make the public hopeful.

How Can Roundup and Bayer Be Beat?

It’s clear that a Round Up lawsuit is the best way to combat the corporate heavyweight. But it takes work.

If you’re thinking about taking a stand against Roundup or Bayer, our company has represented thousands in similar cases.

We work with families and individuals who have been hurt by drugs, chemicals, and other negligent consumer products.

We specialize in these types of cases and are currently taking on clients who have fallen victim to Roundup.

For questions, concerns or to set-up a consultation, contact us at 800-900-7704.

A Guide to Glyphosate: What is it and Why Should We Be Concerned?

Since its inception in the 1970s, individuals have used 9.4 million tons of glyphosate in fields across the world. As of 2016, it was the most-used chemical for agriculturalists.

You would think, what with its enormous popularity, glyphosate is safe. Unfortunately, recent trends, lawsuits, and heartbreaking stories prove otherwise.

Roundup weed killer’s safety is questionable.

If you or someone you love handles Roundup, you have a right to know its dangers. Find out more by reading about glyphosate in detail and its harrowing effects on users.

What Is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is a chemical compound in Roundup and other herbicides.

The herbicide works by blocking protein production in plants, which results in their demise. It also regulates growth in specific crops.

Farmers use glyphosate on multiple crops, including:

  • Cotton
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Soybeans

Research suggests glyphosate itself is non-toxic. Further, it binds to the soil and dissipates in several days, making it unlikely to infiltrate groundwater.

However, scientists note there are few studies that sought to better understand the mechanisms behind the herbicide. More recent and smaller studies may indicate glyphosate affects mitochondrial functioning or other systems, but the results remain unclear.

The Difference Between Glyphosate and Roundup Weed Killer

Although most studies indicate glyphosate in itself isn’t dangerous, that doesn’t mean mixed solutions with glyphosate in them aren’t.

This is where scientists’ concerns come to light. Originally produced by Monsanto (now bought by Bayer), Roundup weed killer is a commercial mixture that contains other chemicals aside from glyphosate.

Unfortunately, the US doesn’t require businesses to share every ingredient in their products. This makes it impossible for toxicologists to mimic the effects of Roundup accurately.

Is Roundup Weed Killer Dangerous?

That leads us to the heart of the matter: is Roundup dangerous and is there a link between Roundup and cancer?

There are conflicting opinions.

Human Impacts

Neurotologist  Vanessa Fitsanakis used commercial formulations to test glyphosate’s effects on worms. Her conclusion is that, if someone has the right genetic predisposition, exposure to these chemicals may lead to neurodegeneration. This could cause diseases such as Parkinson’s.

Even more recent research indicates a 41% higher chance for humans to contract non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a type of cancer. Other studies indicate a link to leukemia.

Most scientists cite concerns about continual exposure over long periods to Roundup, including international organizations. The World Health Organization classified glyphosate and insecticides malathion and diazinon as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Many organizations, including the EPA and European Food Safety Authority, claim glyphosate and Roundup are most likely harmless.

Environmental Impact

Glyphosate is in the majority of US rivers, waterways and rainfall. Because it bonds so tightly with soil particles, however, it generally does not make it to groundwater.

The increased presence is somewhat due to Monsanto’s monopoly over agriculture. After many farmers turned to Roundup for their needs, the company introduced Roundup-resistant seeds.

The corporation patented the seeds, forcing many farmers to turn to Monsanto for crops and weed control.

Due to how much the chemical infiltrated the environment, new studies link glyphosate with antibiotic resistance, increased pathogens among plant and animals and chronic, low-dose effects on plants and animals.

Some scientists worry the chemical will wreak havoc on current ecosystems while others remain convinced it is relatively harmless. There remains a need for further research.

Recent Court Cases

In 2019, California farmer Edwin Hardeman was awarded $80 million in his lawsuit against Monsanto.

In the case, Hardeman’s attorneys claimed the type of cancer he developed, B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, was due to his continued exposure to Roundup. Hardeman used Roundup from 1986 to 2012.

The jury agreed and he won the case.

Hardeman isn’t the only individual to sue. A California groundskeeper also received $80 million from Monsanto in 2018. Altogether, individuals have filed over 9,000 allegations.

What Are the Symptoms of Exposure?

Exposure to Roundup occurs in three main ways:

  1. Ingestion
  2. Inhalation
  3. Skin contact

Farmers and those living on farms are the individuals most susceptible to all three exposure types. Failure to wash hands before eating, inhalation while spraying and contact with residue on plants all lead to exposure.

Brief exposure leads to flu-like symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Skin rashes and irritation in the nose and through may also occur.

Long-term exposure is much more dangerous. It can lead to:

  • Leukemia
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • B-Cell Lymphoma
  • Myeloma

Yet numerous other issues may also be a consequence of Roundup exposure. Studies have linked conditions such as autism, ADHD, diabetes, reproduction issues and more to Roundup.

What Can I Do If I’ve Been Exposed?

The actions to take if you are exposed to Roundup depend on the type of exposure.

Brief Exposures

Brief exposures usually require washing the area with soap and water. If the chemical enters the eye, hold your eye open under a gentle stream of running water for 15 to 20 minutes.

Always call a doctor or poison control agency in exposure situations, especially if Roundup was swallowed.

Preventative measures, such as wearing protective gear and spraying when there is no wind, reduce the likelihood of exposure.

Long-Term Exposures

Long-term exposure presents itself in numerous ways depending on the type of illness. If you notice any symptoms associated with cancer or leukemia, see a doctor immediately. Not only will this step give you the medical treatment you need, but it will also provide documentation for the next step: obtaining a lawyer.

Long-term exposure is costly. Hardeman, for instance, spent $200,000 on cancer treatments.

An attorney can help you obtain the damages you deserve to pay for past, current and future treatments. With the previous cases against Monsanto, now is a promising time to ensure you get the compensation needed for your or your loved one’s health.

Was Your Cancer Caused by Roundup?

Although scientists disagree about Roundup weed killer and its effects on humans, juries seem to think the chemical was harmful to some who were brave enough to voice their concerns in court. This was apparent in Hardeman’s case.

If Roundup caused you or your loved one to become ill, now is the time to act. Find out if Roundup caused your illness by taking our online evaluation.

Get the help you deserve.

Monsanto GMO Seeds Are Not As Great as They Seem

In 2017, 815 million people worldwide were in need of emergency food assistance.

The world is facing a food crisis – and Monsanto GMO seeds claim to be the solution. But what do you really know about Monsanto food?

Monsanto GMO foods may be putting your health at risk. They also have devastating effects on our environment and the future of food security.

If you thought you knew Monsanto – think again. Keep reading to learn more about the truth behind Monsanto and GMO.

Why Monsanto GMO Isn’t as Great as It Seems

Monsanto is an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology company that got its start in 1901. Headquartered in the US but operating across the globe, they’ve earned a reputation for being one of the evilest companies in the world.

Not only have they played a significant role in the agricultural changes of recent decades thanks to extensive government lobbying, but they’re also the creators of some of the world’s most deadly products. They’re responsible for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin (Agent Orange), and are also a leader in genetically modified (GM) seeds.

While the company itself claims that genetically modified seeds are safe for human health as well as the environment, research shows us otherwise. Below, we go into some of the reasons why Monsanto GMO isn’t as great as the company reports.

1. GMO’s Won’t Feed the World

It’s no secret that the world is facing a hunger crisis. Millions of people around the world already face hunger. But by 2050, when the global population approaches 10 billion, the demand for food will be 60% higher.

One argument in favor of GMOs is that they’ll help to mitigate that crisis. The argument is based on the belief that GMO crops have higher yields with fewer inputs.

Studies into GMO crops have found that this claim isn’t true. GMO crops in both Canada and the US haven’t produced higher yields. Nor has it reduced the number of chemical pesticides used to produce those yields.

What’s more, we don’t need GMO crops to solve the pending crisis. Studies have shown that organic farming can match the yields produced by conventional agriculture. All without harming our health and our environment.

2. GMO’s Aren’t More Nutritious

One of the selling points for Monsanto and GMO, in general, is that they offer nutritional benefits – especially benefits that are needed to cure some health crises.

Take for example vitamin A deficiency in the developing world. This is the number one cause of childhood blindness, and proponents of GMOs say that golden rice will help solve the issue.

While golden rice might be high in vitamin A and easy to produce, it can’t be absorbed by the body without a diet that contains other fats and oils. People in the developing world don’t have access to these necessary dietary components and, thus, won’t benefit from this GMO.

3. Monsanto’s GMO’s Are Toxic and Dangerous

One of the biggest problems with Monsanto GMOs is that there hasn’t been sufficient testing to prove their safety. They’re being introduced into our diets without any significant reliable research into their safety. And much of the research that does exist is conducted by corporations that benefit from their production.

Monsanto research consistently shows that laboratory rats eating their GMO corn don’t show any toxicity. But further reviews of these studies have shown that the research ignores signs of toxicity in the liver and kidneys of those rats.

Furthermore, outside rat studies conducted on that same Monsanto GMO Roundup Ready corn found shocking results. Over the course of two years, rats had developed organ damage from eating the corn. They also showed hormone problems, tumors, and reduced life expectancy.

4. GMO’s Use More Chemicals

Many Monsanto and GMO crops are engineered to withstand pesticides and herbicides. These include sugar beets, corn, and soy. All these crops, as well as others, can withstand even the most lethal dose of chemicals.

That means that farmers require stronger chemicals. It also means they need a lot more of them. And as weeds and insects become resistant to those chemicals over time, the need for ever more, ever stronger, chemicals will arise.

These harsh chemicals end up in our soil and poison our environment. They also threaten the health and the lives of people working on farms and the communities that they operate in. Beyond that, these toxic chemicals are ending up in our food.

5. Chemicals Are Ending Up In Our Food

Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, is actually a chemical called glyphosate.

This chemical is considered a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization. In fact, some lawsuits have ruled in favor of Roundup causing people’s cancer.

Glyphosate has also been linked to the endocrine disruption that leads to reproductive problems, obesity, diabetes, and early onset of puberty. It’s also known to kill the good bacteria in your gut, which can lead to a number of conditions and diseases.

Despite these health concerns, glyphosate is in our food. It’s been found in carrots, almonds, soy, corn, quinoa, and various oils – and in dangerously high amounts.

6. GMO’S Threaten Organic Farms

As GMO seeds are used more and more, the ability to control them decreases. GMOs can contaminate farms that are miles away, as the seeds are carried by the wind into other fields. But seed supplies can also be contaminated with GMO seeds.

Sometimes, those seeds end up on organic farms. Organic farmers aren’t allowed to use GMOs, and this threatens their crops and their livelihood.

Seeking Justice From Monsanto?

Monsanto GMO crops and seeds are not the innovative biotechnology that the corporation wants the public to trust. They’ve actively withheld research that shows how dangerous these products really are. Monsanto and GMO are a true threat to your health and our environment.

As the negative impacts of GMO crops and seeds become more certain, the likelihood of getting justice increases. If you’ve been affected by Monsanto and GMO, contact us today to find out how we can help.

Five Tips to Avoid Foods Tainted by Glyphosate

A California jury just found the infamous herbicide “Roundup” was the cause of a man’s cancer. This man was diagnosed with non-Hodkin’s lymphoma after years of spraying his property with glyphosate, aka “Roundup”.

This isn’t the only case linking Monsanto’s herbicide to causing cancer. Last year, a man was awarded 289 million dollars for the same reason.

This is scary information to learn. Roundup is one of the most popular herbicides used on produce and plants in the United States, which means a product that’s been linked to numerous cancer cases is being sprayed on a majority of your food.

You’re now probably wondering what you can do to avoid Roundup and the chemical in it called glyphosate. Short of growing all your own food, you can start by following the following 5 tips for avoiding foods with glyphosate.

What Is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the chemical found in the herbicide called Roundup. Glyphosate works by interfering with enzymes in plants, which leads to plant death.

Over 80% of the crops in the United States are sprayed with this herbicide. Besides commercial agricultural applications, Roundup is sold to towns, cities, homeowners, and businesses to treat lawns, gardens, fields, etc.

Because of the ubiquity of this chemical, it’s almost inevitable that you’ve experienced long-term exposure to it.

This could be by eating foods that have glyphosate residue on them, laying in the grass in a local field, eating foods with ingredients contaminated by glyphosate, working on farms, or even breathing it in from the air without realizing.

Why Is Glyphosate Bad for You?

You might think that since the chemical is only supposed to interfere with plant enzyme that you, as a non-plant, would be OK with exposure. That’s not the case.

Evidence shows that the chemical also interferes with microorganisms like the bacteria found in our digestive system and mucous membranes, which could explain why it affects human health. The World Health Organization has also reported that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, meaning it can lead to and cause cancer.

Short-term exposure to glyphosate can cause skin and eye itching and irritation. People who breathe it in report feeling itching in their airways, throat, and eyes.

Other more long-term studies show far worse effects. Numerous reports show that glyphosate leads to cancer and tumors in mice and rats.

And as the recent court cases have also shown, scientific studies have linked herbicide and glyphosate use to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects white blood cells and the immune system.

While more research is needed to definitively link this chemical to cancer, the anecdotal evidence and studies we have right now are concerning and scary. There are currently more than 11,000 lawsuits against the makers of Roundup for the alleged cancer-causing properties of the herbicide.

To be on the safe side, you’re best off avoiding foods and products containing glyphosate. Keep reading to learn how.

1. Look for Labels

There are two labels on food that can indicate less (or no) glyphosate residue: USDA certified organic and Glyphosate-Residue-Free.

In order to be labeled as USDA certified organic, the food and all of the ingredients in it must be 100% organic, meaning that no herbicides or pesticides were used on them.

While this label gives you the best chance at avoiding glyphosate, it’s still not a guarantee. Because use of the chemical is so widespread, it can carry in the air, soil, or water from other non-organic sources and make its way to organic foods.

A relatively new label launched by The Detox Project (an organization dedicated to eliminating glyphosate and other harmful chemicals from our lives) is the “Glyphosate-Residue-Free” label. While you won’t see this label on too many products yet, the organization is working hard to test and label food products with manufacturers, growers, and more.

2. Common Products and Foods with Glyphosate Residue to Avoid

Certain foods are more prone to having glyphosate residue. The big and ubiquitous crops are going to have the most: corn, soybeans, and canola.

That means byproducts of these as well, like:

  • Corn syrup
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Canola oil
  • Soy products (tofu, soy sauce, etc)
  • Fructose and other sugars derived from corn

If you buy these as organic products, they should be safe.

You should also limit or avoid the following (if non-organic):

  • Wheat/grains (including products like cereal, bread, rice, oats, flours, etc)
  • Prepared/processed foods (chips, cookies, muffins, etc)
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beets
  • Leafy vegetables (lettuce, greens, etc)
  • Carrots
  • Wine/beer
  • Cotton products (including tampons, cotton balls, and clothes)

Remember, this is just a short list. With over 80% of crops sprayed with this chemical, it’s safe to say it’s on your produce. Don’t forget that these things can be found as ingredients, too.

3. Wash All Produce Thoroughly

You can’t avoid all produce forever. When you do buy produce, make sure to wash it with regular water. You can also buy (organic!) produce cleaners.

Don’t use soap, as the produce will soak up the soap. While this can’t remove all of the chemical (it can be found inside the plants/ingredients), it will remove any outer residue.

Dry with a cloth or paper towel.

4. Peel Produce

Washing can’t always remove outer glyphosate residue, so if you can peel the skin, you have a better chance of removing the chemical. Do this for carrots, potatoes, celery, beets, etc.

Be sure to remove outer layers of produce like lettuce, brussels sprouts, artichokes, etc.

5. Discard Fat and Skin of Meat

When crops sprayed with glyphosate (like corn, wheat, and soybeans) are fed to animals, the chemical stays trapped in the meat and skin of the animal.

It’s found in the highest concentrations in the skin and outer layers of fat. To eliminate the possibility of ingesting glyphosate this way, remove those parts of the meat and discard.

For Your Safety, Stay Up to Date on This Issue

We continue to learn more and more about the dangers associated with foods with glyphosate residue. We expect numerous more lawsuits just like the one we described above in the years to come.

To stay informed, continue to visit our blog for updates and tips on how to stay safe. Questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate to reach out.